Ronnie C. Dawson

It is FOR and ABOUT authors. Here we shine the light on authors who we’ve read, reviewed and recommend to others. In this edition we are shining our light on another gifted author...

Ronnie C. Dawson is a social services professional, originally from Camden, New Jersey. He helps the disadvantaged get a new start in life. Ronnie’s first novel, "Irreconcilable Differences 'Til Death Do Us Part," combines the possible with the impossible, illustrating the effects of love, lies and loss. He currently resides in Williamstown, New Jersey, where he has lived for three years.


If you had a 60 second Super Bowl advertisement, what would you want to show a billion people? I would want to show the people what I have been able to do with my work in terms of giving back. Currently I have partnered with 4 organizations to give a portion of my book proceeds to those organizations through fundraisers. My hope would be to spark a desire to help someone else as I am trying to do.

If you could be any age again, how old would you be? I would have to say 24. From that point, I would do things differently, which would change the way my life is today.

If you could have a conversation with someone from history who would it be? Though it’s not a person from “history” but rather a person from my history, I would choose to have one last conversation with my father. Having grown up without my biological father, I would want to ask him why he felt that he wasn’t able to be around regularly. With me not being a father, I think there is a lesson in there for me to learn for the future if I was to ever become a father.

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? My niece always asks me when we are eating if I need hot sauce, seeing as though I put hot sauce on everything. But she really asks me that because I told her and my nephew about how when I was their age I used to drink Tabasco sauce straight out of the bottle. Does that count?

Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? I always consider myself to be a leader. I am blessed to have my own mind so I use it, not only for my benefit, but to benefit others as well.

You have a check for a million dollars to give to one charity. Which charity do you choose and why? I would choose the give to the Hydrocephalus Association. As a person who lives with Hydrocephalus (a brain condition) and has survived 12 critical surgeries, to live a normal life, I feel that giving to this charity would help others who suffer with this same condition by educating others about Hydrocephalus and providing resources to those who are affected by this condition. Do you have any unusual collections? I’m not really a big collector. So I would have to say no.

One TV show I just won't miss is: NCIS. I am a big fan of crime dramas, and this one is my absolute favorite.

Trust…is essential to any relationship. This to me is one of the most important things that I think a relationship needs. Without it, a relationship is doomed. I have heard before “If a person shows you who they are, believe them.” And I fully understand that now. I learned throughout my last 2 years of marriage that you can’t make someone who is used to lying, be truthful to you. As a result, I am in the process of a divorce. Fredrick Douglas said, “Without struggle, there is no progress.” I say this when it comes to relationships. “Without trust, there is nothing but stress.”

What’s next for Ronnie? I am currently working on a follow up to “Irreconcilable Differences,” as well as another story which currently is untitled, but which is focused on a struggling single father.


“The book was very engaging from the minute I began reading. For someone who is not so impressed with fictional books, I found the plot line very intriguing, real, sad, and most importantly allows the inner spirit to reflect on how we as humans choose to live our lives, and the decisions that we make. Kudos to the writer for a high level of creativity.” – AvidReader

“Ronnie C. Dawson crafts such a personal and connectable story through his character Mia Davis. Love, lose, and survival are the driving forces in this great novel. Mia's struggles make this an awesome and believable read. Great job!” – Jeannie Barber

“Author Ronnie Dawson started off fast paced but well worth the ride. The story line was very engaging…Irreconcilable Differences leaves you chanting for a sequel. Kudos to Mr. Dawson. I definitely recommend this novel as good read.” - Rene

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Irreconcilable Differences 'til death do us part. It was a quick and easy read and I would most definitely recommend this novel (e-book) to all my friends!” – Angela Lovett

For more information about Ronnie, please visit:

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